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About Luxxury

Name: Luxuan

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

yawnz.. almost doze off when working at the counter today.. n i saw tat creepy unlce again. he shaked hand wif me again.. i'm so afraid of his eyes n smile. why he always appear when i'm alone there? =/
hmmm... eK went to KL today, without telling me.. =( he will be back after 4days, n hope he will get something for mee? =PpPpp i wan go overseas too.. not sentosa again of cuz -.-
i wan watch horrorrr moviess~ ting! where u? lolx.
arrr.. i'm lazy to blog liao...
*roll ofF~*

Posted on 1:12 AM

Saturday, August 26, 2006

- ulcer recovering soon. =D
- finally i dare to swallow pills after so many yrs. (small small 1 of cuz. =P)
- so now i can bitez again.
- no more mashed food.
- yeah~
- great minds think alike. so we got pandan cake now~ tats wat i wanted ytd.
- parting bai li gong soon, i will miss all the smiles. laughter. n fun.
- i will be back.. i guess?
- its time to act more guai.
- i wun miss it the next time. =)
- no matter it will be the same or diff.
- no more "u always like tat 1"
- sun, will definitely be a gd day. *winkss*
- so its time to jump onto my bedy.
- yawnz.

Posted on 12:36 AM

Monday, August 21, 2006

hey dear.. i'm really alritez la.. lolx. juz tat, i will feel painful still if the ulcer torture me.. not any1. =)
yea my ulcer was seriously painful in the morn when i use my tongue to "feel" the swell. not trying to disturb it, juz wanna feel whether its still as swollen as last nitez anot. =P
oh ya.. went to see doc last nitez. the doc told me its swollen n painful cuz my wisdom tooth coming out. but.. its the inner cheek swollen leh.. i didnt feel any pain from the gum or tooth leh. so weird. if its still not ok few days later, i'm gona visit polyclinic... =(
yea.. so i didnt go for work at the office today. slp until noon, had my mashed lunch.. den make honey water again.. gona drink herbal tea when working later. guess i'm too heaty also? my lips are super reddy.
ming tian hui geng hao~
ming tian jiu bu tong le~
oh ya.. i dreamt of something cute today. haha.
crawl ofF~

Posted on 4:21 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

yea i'm in pain.. seriously painful. my big swollen ucler tortured me for 2 days. n i really cant take it anymore. i wan go see doctor tmr if the ulcer dun go away.
actually i'm not sure its a ulcer anot.. its swollen, scary, n painful. maybe its not ulcer, cuz dun look like 1? oh watever..
i'm drinking honey water now.. hoping it will helps.
a bad bad day for me to feel so painful.. seeing things tat makes me painful too.
ohh.. i deserve tat maybe.
i cant take back my words anymore. n i'm regreting now.
things wun be the same anymore. it wun feel guilty, doesnt care anymore too.
aw... i'm sad. tat will be a bad weekends.
so........ ming tian hui geng hao?
i hope so.
smile no more......

Posted on 3:49 AM

Monday, August 14, 2006


ok some pics here to link wif the title of my previous post...

i smiled but she dreamed.

tis is so called "artistic" wif some eerie effect.. take a closer look at my face, do i look like the ju-on? take a nice look at na, she look like sadako ritez? wahaha~ oh choi~! its 7th mth now.. =Xx

Posted on 3:49 AM

Luxuan : up abit~ ok left hand down! Gina : are u done la ! Jon : duh~

she is trying to show i'm tat short only... -__________-

Posted on 3:24 AM

The ending shot~

Luxuan : ok cut !! Gina : wah finally... Jon : ppl keep looking sia...

so we hop into the train. on ur way back to sk.....

from left : cheerful smile, edison chen smile, round face smile. XD

Posted on 3:03 AM

ok.. a decent pic to save the day~ smilez!

The End


Director : luxuan

Main actress : gina

Yong qing ke chuan : luxuan

Calefare : jon

Script writer : luxuan

Camera girl : luxuan


Posted on 2:44 AM

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Hoho~ fine fine day wif funny funny people!
ok~ its my off day for sk today, so after i knock off fm the counter i walked to the bus stop n start wondering wat bus to take. den i saw the 3/4 of the big eater gang~! i was quite shock n surprise. i look so tiny compared to dem, dey are talL~~ last time 1/4 of the gang threatened to eat me up, n i tot was nth but funny. but today.. 2/4 of the gang threaten to eat me up, n i was like "oh no...~" 2/4 is powerful enough sia... haha. yea we took the same bus to ps n dey didnt eat me up cuz dey need some space for big eater gathering ( =Xx )at some nice restaurant. =P n ys is still frenly as b4.. talked to me in the bus to prevent me from dreaming away. told me abt the little yellow hippo story, n tat is really cute. didnt get the chance to see fern b4 i hop off to spotlight, but at least she called me n i heard her familiar voice thru phone. =) well~ so envious tat dey can see nice nice firework wif their full full stomach. pathetic me only saw it on the tv, n pics... =(
its ok.. at least me, na, jon enjoyed our shopping fun.. or rather 2 enjoyed, 1 starved. haha~ we saw alot nicey things, saw lame thing too.. wats wif the "NB" on the candid camera note? haha. crapz~ n we really look so yao gui at the crippy stall.. XD fried mars ballss is nice~! =D~


Posted on 1:49 AM

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Posted on 5:15 PM

Monday, August 07, 2006

yea.. was freezing the "posting" of my blog for the past 1 week. didnt realise it at all, until na reminded me.
although i still visit my blog everyday to check out the taggies, but i'm juz tired to blog. yea, now i'm tired toooo... n i miss my off day. =(
these few days wasnt gd for me.. so weird, juz so weird.
injured my little toe, n endless cuts on my fingers. mentally not in gd condition too. =) but i'm quite fine wif my new working area, cuz if i'm bored i juz need to move my fingers or hop to the front, theres always some1 there to disturb. ^_^ n those disturbing sounds like some class gathering. haha.
yupz.. i wan my bedy.......
gd nitez. tamaki dreamz.

Posted on 11:51 PM

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

yea.. i feel so great after my 2 days rest~ but it will be another tiring day tmr. (yet i'm still blogging here -.-"). i will be working at the office recept tmr, how boring~~~
hmm... after chatting wif fern on phone.. we realised tat we are really alike in some ways. too sensitive, too kpo, too silly. haha~ n she told me to be more da fang.. but i'm not really an "auto person" unless to some of my dear frens.
haiz~ sometimes i dun wanna be obvious, but those "pull back" seems to be some "meanness" which i dun mean it at all.
oh.. its already 1st of august, shall i do something tat i should? haha. den i'm gona be some "meanie" again.
but as long as my dear frens noe i'm not? =P
i wonder how clever n alert can a person be?
enough of the "wondering". shall go slp liaoz~

Posted on 3:00 AM

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